Matt Jordan’s personal assistant GOES OFF after falling out over $12 hoodie
Kenya Moore’s ex Matt Jordan is officially under a flash flood warning because his former personal assistant is spilling SOOOOOO much tea right now on Instagram!
The falling out apparently happened after Matt’s ex PA named JayMarie misplaced his $12 Ross hoodie. Piecing together the narrative from a series of screen capped text messages posted by JayMarie, the two of them got into a heated argument over the phone about the missing hoodie, and JayMarie hung up when Matt started cussing.
Their text conversations continued, including this threatening message from Matt:
I want you to try me and play games like I’m one of these pu**ies out here, I have nothing to lose. if you so much as do one devious thing to me trust me I will try my hardest to get rid of you. think I care?? log out of every social media and email account that has anything to do with me cease and desist from any contact with anybody that has anything to do with me. I promise you if you play games with me you have to hide for the rest of your life. play like I’m lying ..violate me or use my ssn or any information of mine that u have. I promise you will have no futher doubts in your mind that i am purly evil. Try me…. Im actually daring you to violate or disrespect my name or my business. This is the wrong time to play strobg black woman. I promise on everything you will lose. Return tonight my credit card my compact flash drive the black one. And dont do a single thing else.
JayMarie was having NONE OF THAT, and she captioned one of the screen capped conversations with this rant:
Over a cheap ass $12 hoodie???? You brought it to this… I warned you not to threaten me…I’ve held my tongue and have taken your abuse for way too long. I’ve always walked on eggshells making sure not to say the wrong thing to have you blow up. I stayed in my lane as the perfect personal assistant who wasn’t getting paid….cooking your meals for the week…washing your clothes…calling back clients…managing your social media…(spell checking) ??…booking endorsements…emails…designing logos…website design….keeping up with court dates…bailing you out the times Kenya couldn’t because you didn’t want her to know….sending resumes…making music playlist…packing bags…I did everything but wipe your ass…oh thanks for the boost mobile phone by the way…way to boss up
#unappreciated #underpaid #overworked #mattjordan #theshaderoom #balleralert #industryonblast #rhoa #kenyamoore #famealous
Matt later responded by writing “Ok its over dont worry about it.” JayMarie replied by offering up a bit of advice along with some constructive criticism of Matt as a human being:
Whatever you say….think about this….if everyone in your life is a problem….then you might wanna look in the mirror…you fall out with everyone in your life…why is that? Dont burn bridges you cant rebuild.
I was in your corner and we fell because of a hoodie???? Comical
JayMarie shared another text from Matt in which he revealed he was “tryin to win” and she captioned it with another rant revealing that Kenya Moore is paying him money for some reason, Matt has an “addy addiction,” he talked some girl into having an abortion before having sex with her and pawning the father’s TV, etc.
#PersonalAssistant #Rant… How the f**k you tryna win when you spending all your money Kenya just gave you last week frontin for the new girlfriend who is an ex prostitute and pornhub wh0re…atleast Kenya is classy…Matt you’ve gone all the way to the gutter after Kenya…you mix your DNA with low vibration women…you will stay low…and not investing in your “Brand” you lose! Should’ve paid me my money clown! I use to see you as a #KING but you snapped on me, the real one in your corner from day one…for some new pu**y that wont be around long when she see you can’t buy her a sandwich or you flip out and hit her or destroy her property like you did mine and Kenya’s… your lil b!tch mad bc your personal assistant was too much competition with my natural hair and unmatched beauty…you let the snake talk you into going against your day one that bailed you out of jail…washed and folded your drawls…cooked your meals for the week…let you borrow $20 when you needed it…got you the plug for your addy addiction…brought you food when you were sick..will Goof troop hold you down like this? Not after she gets her followers for her business…she played you son just like the plastic chick man did…and the fitness girl did that played you for app downloads lol…i told you to watch these girls…pu**y should never run you…run the pu**y…that’s real n!gga talk tho…a language you will never understand bc you soft…you told on your homeboy and got him sent to prison ehen i first met you…then told your roommates girl to get an abortion then f**ked her the same night she came to our apartment looking for her man….you pawned that man TV too…lol…wild..I cant make this stuff up…and before you think its bc I’m salty and we use to date…lets be clear..I’m not attracted to brokenness.. .You taking my hard drive was the worst bc you f**king with my livelihood #musicians #producers #singers #engineers #songwriters know what I’m talking about…Say what you want about me…you steal from me….I f**k you…so many receipts on hand…return my sh!t back to me…don’t come knocking and kicking on my door like yesterday…watchers will be in the tower
WHOA! Note to self: Never EVER p!ss off my personal assistant (if I ever have one)!! I’ve been blogging about celebrities for about eight years now and I don’t think I’ve ever seen any one go off like THAT before! “You mix your DNA with low vibration women.” Damn. Anyways…
As you might imagine, JayMarie’s claim that Matt Jordan just received money from Kenya Moore last week had some of her followers confused. “It sounds like he is extorting money from Kenya,” one commenter wrote. “Why would Kenya give him money last week if they’re not together anymore?”
JayMarie responded with “hmmmm…I know why…personal assistants always know the real story.”
More about Matt and Kenya:
COMMENTER: This whole thing is just a lil confusing.. So has he moved on or nah, caz just yesterday he was posting abt Kenya.. ??Hope the truth come out! He blocked me for asking why he blasting Kenya on IG lol Don’t know what to believe anymore…
JAYMARIE: actually no he hasn’t moved on bc he still gets really emotional when talking about her and I’ve seen emails begging her to take him back….he thinks being with these other women will shake Kenya up but she could care less. It would be in his beat interest for him to move on and focus on building his brand and not spending his last dollar to please these IG thots. Ask the closest person in his life…I tried to be the voice of reason….he told me to get out of his business and personally assist him with the brand.
Another commenter got in on the shade tossing by offering up some advice to Matt’s new girlfriend. “Girl you hustling backwards how you gonna f**k with a man that can’t buy you a Happy Meal. Cmon sis. You tricking game is falling apart ?”
That comment got JayMarie smiling. “Haaaaa and she showed up to my house with him when he stole my cpu and hard drive… in his rundown truck and the nerve to have a stone cold attitude like ‘this my man’ LMAO you really think you winning with this dude? Baby Girl get his followers and move on.”
[JayMarie is also a music producer, and she later revealed that the hard drive Matt took has all of her music on it.]
Earlier today, Matt apparently showed up at JayMarie’s place to get some of his stuff back, which she apparently had stored on her balcony before tossing it over said balcony. JayMarie posted some videos of Matt’s arrival, including him talking with police at one point. The first two clips are silent, but the last one includes commentary from JayMarie:
After the videos, JayMarie got in one final snap (for now) by posting a text message conversation with Matt in which Matt asks her for money to buy large fries at McDonald’s.
Here’s a photo recap of this entire post:
OK Bravo, you seeing all this?! The Real Personal Assistants of Atlanta needs to be your next reality series — you already have your star! Go find Sweetie Hughes and you’re almost halfway to a full cast.