Lily Allen and Sam Cooper welcome a baby girl

Lily Allen gives birth to a little girl

Lily Allen Cooper has given birth to her second daughter with husband Sam Cooper. The couple, who wed in June of 2011, welcomed Marnie Rose on Tuesday, January 8. Marnie joins the couple’s first child, 13-month-old Ethel Mary, and shares a birthday with rock legends Elvis and David Bowie.

The singer and her people had been staying quiet about Lily’s pregnancy, refusing comment on multiple occasions despite her pretty obvious baby bump. But, after Lily attended the British Fashion Awards in November at 7 months pregnant (photo above), the secret was officially out.

On New Year’s Eve, Lily told fans she wasn’t planning on being pregnant much longer and was even eating curries (spicy food is sometimes known to help induce labor) regularly. “I’m only planning on spending a few days of it pregnant. Unlike the last 3 years.” During the last three years, she has given birth to two children (her first child was born on November 25, 2011) and miscarried in November 2010 at 6 months pregnant — and that wasn’t her first miscarriage. Lily also miscarried in 2008.

Earlier today, Lily took to Twitter to thank fans for their congratulatory messages. “Quite overwhelmed by all the well wishing going on. THANKYOU everybody x x x,” she wrote. Then, a few hours later, she tweeted, “Tramadol #tramalolz.” Someone’s getting a little goofy on her pain meds..

Congratulations to Lily and Sam on their growing family!

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