It’s Official: Amanda Bynes is the worst driver in L.A. County

Amanda Bynes driving

Look out, Los Angeles! If you are driving a vehicle, or walking near a street, there is a huge chance that actress Amanda Bynes will eventually hit you. Last night, Amanda added to her already extensively horrible driving record with another accident. So, the question on everyone’s mind is, “Did she flee the scene as per the usual?”

This time, the answer is “no.” According to TMZ, Amanda had been driving in the San Fernando Valley around 8PM when she was rear-ended in her rental car. We probably don’t need to add this but.. by the way, Amanda’s BMW is in the shop getting repairs done after an earlier incident.

While one might assume that because she was rear-ended, it wasn’t her fault. However, this IS Amanda Bynes we are talking about. The other driver is claiming that Amanda had made “a reckless maneuver” which caused her to run into the back of the car. Police were called to the scene but neither Amanda nor the other driver were ticketed.

Amanda Bynes' mug shot after DUI arrest

In the past 6 months alone, Amanda has been accused of three hit and runs and one DUI. Following her DUI, she took to Twitter and requested a presidential pardon from Barack Obama himself. Amanda who didn’t seem to understand the process of a DUI charge didn’t even hire a lawyer. Page Six claims that she will instead have a few of her friends testify that she wasn’t drinking that night.

Who knows what she’ll end up with. Let’s be honest here, it’s Los Angeles. Even if she did get jail time, she likely wouldn’t serve more than a couple of hours due to overcrowding.

All we know is, someone needs to get this girl off the road before someone gets seriously injured.

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