Gwen Stefani bikini pictures from St. Barts

Gwen Stefani shows no sign of having given birth in a small red bikini

Everybody’s in St. Barts and everybody’s wearing bikinis! (Except John Mayer thankfully) The most recent addition to the 2010 St. Barts Bikinifest is former No Doubt front woman Gwen Stefani, who proudly showed off her bikini bod and her two boys that it gave birth to:

Gwen Stefani shows off her sexy post-pregnancy body in a bikini

Oh, and Gavin Rossdale. Meh. I still haven’t forgiven him for leaving Gwen hanging two Halloweens ago by removing his bacon half of their bacon and egg costumes. (It’s a silly grudge, but I stand by it!)

A bikini wearing Gwen Stefani enjoys St. Barts with husband Gavin Rossdale and son Kingston

Click on thumbnails for larger images in the gallery:

The Superficial has some more St. Barts bikini photos of Gwen from Splash News – CLICK HERE to see those.

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