Farrah Abraham banking from (1st) porn as Vivid CEO says Dr. Jenn Berman coddles her
As Farrah Abraham continues to assert that she is not a porn star and that she wants to be a virgin forever or maybe a nun, the paperwork that’s surfaced of a recent royalty payment from Vivid for her 1st adult film reveals that she certainly doesn’t mind getting paid for the exploits.
In addition, Vivid’s CEO Steve Hirsch has called poppycock on Farrah’s very serious claims that she was drugged and raped during her promotional tour of Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom. Hirsch in particular singled out Couples Therpay host Dr. Jenn Berman for not doing her job in relation to counseling Abraham.
Abraham getting paid:
TMZ was provided some payment info in regards to what Farrah is making for her top-selling video. Sources told them that Farrah repeatedly contacted the company anxiously wanting her quarterly payment in royalties.
So how much did the former Teen Mom cast member make in the final quarter of 2013? That answer would be $93,927.72. Not too shabby considering that she made more in previous quarters and initially got paid in the high 6 figures to make the film.
Regardless of your feelings about Abraham, there’s certainly a substantial market in regards to folks wanting to watch her have sex.
Steve Hirsch calls out Dr. Jenn Berman:
You know Hirsch doesn’t mind all the attention Farrah gets. If Farrah’s getting paid what she is above, just imagine what Vivid is raking in from Abraham’s performace? In that vein, the businessman was eager to provide Fishwrapper with his thoughts in regards to Farrah’s recent statements about being drugged and raped and what he views as some professional shortcomings from Couples Therapy host Dr. Jenn Berman.
He said:
“It’s surprising to me that a therapist with the credentials of Dr. Jenn Berman would readily believe Farrah Abraham. We find no merit in Farrah’s recent statement that she was ‘drugged and raped more than once’ while on promotional tour following the release of her sex tape last year. Dr. Jenn could probably be of more benefit to Farrah by helping her to learn to tell the truth.”
TMZ went on to report that Farrah will not be making any money from the sequel as she signed away her rights for that footage. Vivid also hinted that everyone should expect a 3rd installment.