Facebook adds gay marriage timeline icons

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Forget the fight to legalize gay marriage, the LGBT movement won the real battle this weekend when Facebook unveiled same sex marriage timeline icons for gay married couples! One of the first to implement the dual grooms icon was none other than Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, who married his longtime partner, Sean Eldridge, on Saturday:

Chris Hughes is one of the first to use Facebook's new gay marriage timeline icons

Facebook has been quite progressive in its marriage equality efforts, adding “In a Civil Union” and “In a Domestic Partnership” options to user profiles in February of 2011. In June they became the first social media company to be honored with an award at the GLAAD Media Awards.

With the most recent changes, Facebook users can choose between a groom and a bride, two grooms, or two brides. Sorry Kody Brown, Facebook might be progressive, but they’re not progressive enough to allow for sister wives yet…

Kody Brown Facebook timeline with polygamy sister wives marriage icons