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Duggar Digest: People express concern for Josie Duggar, insider spills on Jessa Duggar’s latest talk and more


In tonight’s 19 Kids and Counting, we continue to creep closer to Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald’s wedding. Besides working on finalizing their plans, Ben and Jessa go on a double date with Derick and Jill Dillard and hijinks ensue.

Details from Jessa Duggar’s latest Southern Women’s Show

Jessa Seewald Southern Women's Tour

In real-time, newlywed Jessa Seewald continued her speaking tour at the Southern Women’s Show in Memphis, Tennessee. And, as with her first speech, hubby Ben Seewald joined it… He wasn’t billed for any of the talks, so I guess his participation is just an added bonus. The Ashley’s Reality Roundup writer Holly was in attendance for the talk and shared her thoughts.

“The new couple comes out (holding hands of course) and I am shocked. Jessa is wearing a sleeveless, body hugging dress and sheer black panty hose. This is a far cry from the denim jumpers they started out wearing in their original TLC specials,” Holly said. “They sit down and kiss, of course, and the crowd cheers. So awkward. Then, it gets even more awkward. The moderator asks the crowd to turn to the person next to them and give them a side hug.”

As for the actual interview and subsequent Q&A, Holly said it was all pretty generic: How they met, what they’ve learned from marriage, what it’s like to be on TV, etc.

Jessa Seewald and Ben Seewald Southern Women's Tour

Holly added that Jessa and Ben seemed to truly adore each other, which doesn’t always come across on the show.

“In person she seemed to genuinely be into him,” Holly observed. “Also, he didn’t seem as derpy and clueless in person. Maybe that’s just the editing.”

Fans express concern for Josie Duggar because of new picture.

Josie Duggar Near Gun

Because no Duggar Digest would really be complete without some new controversy: Some fans took issue with a picture the family posted of youngest daughter Josie Duggar running near an unattended gun. (It’s unclear whether it’s a “real gun” or a BB gun.)

“Backs are turned and there is Josie and a gun on ground. I hope whoever took picture realized it was there and some others were right there behind the camera watching for that matter,” one commented on the Facebook picture. “It only takes a second and an accident could happen.”

Another added, “BB gun or not… this is not a proper place for any type of bb gun or firearm to be. Any responsible parent would have the gun with them or locked in a vehicle and out site and reach of little ones. It just looks bad and is not safe!”

Still, others said it’s possible that the Duggars teach their children about gun safety at a young age and know that Josie is capable of handling herself — which echoes what Jim Bob Duggar said about their policies in a 2011 Radar Online interview.

“We believe it is important for children to learn safety about guns and knives,” he said. “To learn how to use them properly and to learn not to use them to hurt others but to use them as a tool.”

Jill Dillard looks ready to pop!

Jill Dillard Pregnant Due Date Approaching

With just one week to go until Jill’s due date, these may very well be the last pregnancy pictures we see of her. (Until the inevitable next baby, of course.)

Jill Dillard Pregnancy Third Trimester

She and Derick joined her family for a little fishing trip — and, in case Jill’s sizable belly doesn’t tell the whole story, Derick wore a shirt that said “This Guy Is Going To Be A Daddy” and a hat that said “Rookie Dad, Est. 2015.”

19 Kids and Counting airs on TLC tonight at 9/8c.

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