Douche Bagazine: The Fashion Issue Perez Hilton’s, Chris Brown Fashion Fail & More!

Chris Brown is no stranger to the pages of Douche Bagazine, but this special fashion-themed edition marks the first time he’s managed to garner top billing on the cover. When the Fashion Issue was first conceived the cover love was a toss up between Perez Hilton and Jon Gosselin, but I knew the second I saw this group of Chris Brown photos that we had our gold medalist.

Chris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wear

This outfit is the reason the internet developed the term “WTF.” I don’t know what else to do except start at the top and list the fashion inventory on display here: Over-sized brand new truckstop hat with the inner sweat band turned out, similarly over-sized diamond earrings, bold gold necklace, faux Native American sweater vest (buttoned all the way up), exposed boxers (baby blue), badass looking bodyguard to prevent ass whoopage (You know every testosteronial instinct in that dude’s body is telling him to beat the crap out of Chris Brown for looking like that.), Jordache denim shorts, almost orange leather belt, cell phone holster, skull tattoo, white non-iphone, bright white socks (pulled up) and bright turquoise Keds. Did I miss anything?

Chris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wearChris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wear

Chris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wearChris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wear

Chris Brown invents Navahiphop douchebag wear