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Did Tom Brady sleep with Ivanka Trump?

Did Tom Brady sleep with Ivanka Trump 1

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, best known for the insane amount of money his ten days in the Trump Administration set him up to make on the lecture circuit, raised an unexpected bit of gossip in an interview yesterday. As first reported by the Daily Mail, Scaramucci all but posited the following question: Did Tom Brady sleep with Ivanka Trump? And is that the reason why Brady–a longtime friend and ally of the current president–skipped the Patriots’ visit to the White House earlier this year?

Here’s the relevant section of Scaramucci’s comments:

My guess is, which is typical, there could be a little bit of jealousy there and protection and possession of Tom Brady, and she probably didn’t want him to go. Maybe there was a relationship between him and Ivanka at some point. Maybe it was someone else, I don’t know.

For what it’s worth, Brady said that family matters kept him from visiting the Trump White House with the team. By that point, Brady’s wife Gisele Bundchen had long since voiced her displeasure with Trump; in a response to an Instagram comment asking whether she and Brady had voted for Trump, her response was “NO!”

As far as anybody knows, that’s the real reason Brady skipped the visit: His world-famous supermodel wife was pissed about the whole thing (and he’d already been four other times). And, as Celebitchy pointed out, the whole timeline for Tom Brady and Ivanka Trump having “a relationship” is pretty wonky. Brady started dating Gisele in late 2006, and the two have been married since 2009; before that, Brady was with Bridget Moynahan from 2004 on. Meanwhile, Ivanka dated Jared Kushner from 2005 to 2008, broke up when Kushner’s parents objected to the relationship, but then reconciled and got married, also in 2009.

So, unless the two of them cheated on their spouses with each other at some point over the last eight years, the only time they could have banged things out without bringing enormously expensive and painful divorces upon themselves was briefly in 2005, before Ivanka hooked up with Kushner (at which point Brady would “only” have been cheating on his girlfriend), or briefly in 2008, while Ivanka and Kushner were on their Friends-style break and before Brady married Gisele–again, at which point he would have been the only one cheating, and not yet on his wife. (And when Brady missed all but one game with an ACL tear, making any sexual acrobatics far less dramatic.) Or they got it on before any of the events in those timelines–like during the 2000 season, before Brady was even a starter and thus far less desireable.

So, yeah: it’s pretty wonky either way. And it’s entirely possible that Scaramucci was just talking out of his ass when he raised the issue. But good gossip is the only thing the current administration does objectively well, and the the idea of Tom and Ivanka sacking up is nothing if not salacious.

(Photo credits: Did Tom Brady sleep with Ivanka Trump via Instagram, Patricia Schlein / WENN.com)

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