
MUG SHOT Denver Broncos cut maniac practice squad player following arrest

Boyett Mug


Attention, potentially-disgruntled employees of the world. If you find yourself arrested, or in an otherwise tight spot with officers of the law, do not drop your boss’ name in an attempt at getting out of trouble. Even if your boss is famous, as in the case of two-time Super Bowl winner John Elway.

The above is just one of the many lessons (hopefully) learned by former Denver Broncos affiliate John Boyett, who was released from the team’s practice squad late last week following a series of bizarre, borderline crazy law-breaking exploits.

It all started when Boyett was hanging out at Denver’s Sportsbook Bar and Grill, getting “highly intoxicated,” “trying to take food off another patron’s plate,” and “making threats.” Like you do on a Tuesday.

Then, when Boyett was asked to leave and said he wouldn’t pay his tab and threatened to punch a bartender instead, the two police officers who responded to the bar’s 911 call phoned Boyett a cab. Which, to his credit, he did take.

Except, a few minutes later, the cab driver called 911 to say that Boyett had assaulted him.

Or, more specifically, that he had head-butted and punched the driver, and then bolted from the cab for a nearby construction site to try and find a shovel to beat the cabbie with.

When the police arrived and chased Boyett, he covered himself in nearby mulch to try and hide from them.

And then, after being apprehended and having a couple squad cars’ worth of tasers pointed at him, Boyett told the officers to “contact his boss John Elway” before they did anything foolish.


John BoyettIn 2012, Boyett trained for a run from the police before he even knew he would need to


Unfortunately for JB, this is not the first time he’s been fired from a professional football team for breaking the law. He was cut from the Colts last year after getting arrested for disorderly public intoxication and–what else?–resisting arrest.

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