
VIDEO David Letterman’s tribute to Robin Williams will have you laughing and crying at the same time

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David Letterman and Robin Williams’ personal and professional relationships went way back–all the way to the start of their careers.

This week, Letterman took some time on The Late Show to reminisce about his fellow comedian, and he shared some warm memories of their earliest days doing stand-up in Los Angeles.

“We’re like morning dew,” Letterman says, of he and his fellow comics, “and [Williams] comes in like a hurricane.”

Among the more interesting tidbits: during Williams’ first appearances on stage, he was introduced as being from Scotland. Why, none of the other performers knew–but, for the first few weeks Williams was billed, his peers all thought he was just an odd Scotsman.

Which, in a way, he kind of was.

Letterman also shared a rare photograph of Williams and Richard Pryor, along with, in his own words, two people “who are not funny.”


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Check out the whole remembrance and tribute below. It’s well worth your time.



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