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How many Real Housewives have divorced?

The Real Housewives of all the cities have offered up their lives to the public, and while sometimes the situations are “set-up” the drama is often all too real with real life consequences. The Huffington Post broke up some of these life-changing events by the numbers, focusing on bankruptcies, divorces, and businesses in an infographic….

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VIDEO Obama tells kids to stop watching The Real Housewives

Oh man. POTUS was speaking to the National Urban League in New Orleans and one of the ways in which he suggested kids can compete globally is to quit watching The Real Housewives! Read his quote, see the brief clip of his statement, find out why Michelle Obama might have a problem with this and then see 2 separate pics of Obama posing with said Housewives.

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VIDEO Michaele Salahi not kidnapped – ran off with Neal Schon, guitarist for Journey instead

In a headline only the crazy duo responsible for the infamous “White House party crashing” could generate, former Real Housewives of DC star Michaele Salahi was reported kidnapped last night by her husband, Tareq Salahi, but it was later revealed she had run off with Neal Schon, the lead guitarist for the band Journey! Keep reading for the latest (and perhaps last?) chapter in the lives of the Real Shysters of DC!

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Did D.C. Housewife Michaele Salahi stiff her plastic surgeon?

It looks like D.C. Housewife Michaele Salahi is back on the wrong end of another lawsuit and this time it’s her plastic surgeon!

Find out what the procedures allegedly were, how much she is accused of owing and why the Salahis remind me of a scene from Look Who’s Talking (with video included).

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VIDEO – Is Michaele and Tareq Salahi’s America’s Polo Cup “goat rodeo” on the level?

Michaele and Tareq Salahi may arguably be the most outrageous Real Housewives characters to hit the franchise. Not only did they create a media and legal frenzy last November when they crashed the White House State Dinner, but Tareq’s family business has gone bankrupt (his relationship with his parents is also in turmoil, which may…

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Real Housewives of DC scandal: Michaele and Tareq Salahi cancel Larry King, shop for interview offers in high six digits

Michaele and Tareq Salahi were supposed to appear on Larry King Monday to explain why they weaseled their way into the White House State Dinner uninvited, but they’ve canceled that gig and are now selling their interview to the highest bidder. A television network executive, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the New York Times…

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Was Real Housewives of DC’s Michaele Salahi really a Redskins cheerleader and Miss USA?

Media outlets are describing the now-infamous D.C. Housewife White House Crasher Michaele Salahi as a former Washington Redskins cheerleader, and she put the above pictures of herself on Facebook posing with RedSkins pompoms. There’s just a tiny problem with this factoid: The Redskins told Foxnews.com that they have “no records she was a cheerleader for…