Real Housewives of DC scandal: Michaele and Tareq Salahi cancel Larry King, shop for interview offers in high six digits

Michaele Salahi is shopping for interviews

Michaele and Tareq Salahi were supposed to appear on Larry King Monday to explain why they weaseled their way into the White House State Dinner uninvited, but they’ve canceled that gig and are now selling their interview to the highest bidder. A television network executive, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the New York Times that the Salahis were hoping for a high six digit paycheck for their first media appearance, and are asking all major networks for their top bid.

I’m sure someone will step up to the plate to pay top dollar to broadcast the Salahis’ babblings of deceit and delusion. They’re grasping to extend their time in the spotlight for now, but the federal government might soon cut the lights on their homemade reality show. Right now it’s unknown what they told Secret Service agents at the checkpoints, but their names were not on the guest list, but it’s a federal crime to lie about matters in the federal government’s jurisdiction.

The Salahis have a history of lies, shady business, and scandal. Michaele Salahi has stretched the truth about being a Redskins cheerleader and a Victoria’s Secret model, and the two have been involved with fake charities and a bitter feud with Tareq Salahi’s parents over a family owned vineyard.

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