VIDEO Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin pay tribute to Tracy Morgan at SNL 40 — how is he doing now?
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VIDEO Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin pay tribute to Tracy Morgan at SNL 40 — how is he doing now?

More than once, Sunday’s Saturday Night Live: 40th Anniversary Special was referred to as a reunion for former stars, hosts, performers, writers and crew members. Sadly, Tracy Morgan was unable to attend because he’s still recovering from the traumatic brain injury he suffered during a car crash in June. In one of the more touching…

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PHOTO: Louisville’s Kevin Ware walking again after horrific basketball leg injury

Sunday Louisville basketball player Kevin Ware suffered one of the most horrifying injuries every broadcast on television when the bone of his leg snapped through his skin. It was shown live, and during a replay, and can now be seen on Youtube, but it’s not for the faint of heart.

Thankfully he’s do much better now and is up and about. Will he ever play again?