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What language do the Amish speak?

One of the best parts of Breaking Amish (reunion special part 1 airs tonight at 10 EST) is when they start speaking to each other in their own special language. It doesn’t leave out the audience because there are always subtitles, but it’s pretty interesting to hear this different language people speak in pockets of the US. Sometimes the words seem familiar to English words, and that’s because they are both Germanic languages So, what is this language?

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In most states there is no minimum age requirement for motorcycle passengers

For those who don’t use motorcycles as a mode of transportation it may be surprising to learn that in the vast majority of states there is no minimum age restriction for passengers. Find out which states do have laws on the books in regards to this and discover which two don’t even require that children wear helmets.


What does Auld Lang Syne mean, and why do we sing it on New Year’s?

When the ball drops every New Year it seems the whole (English speaking) world erupts in a strange song with lyrics no one understands. Something about forgetting old acquaintances.

Here’s the deal about “Auld Lang Syne”: where it came from, what it means, and why we sing it at the beginning of every year.


HBO’s movie about autistic Temple Grandin sweeps the 2010 Emmys

The HBO movie Temple Grandin staring Claire Danes swept the 2010 Emmy Awards in almost all movie and mini-series categories. Every acceptance speech included mention of Temple, who was in the audience wearing her signature flashy cowgirl shirt and western belt buckle and she proudly stood up almost every time. She was even able to…