
Breaking News: Weinergate Enters New Phase, Scandal Embroiling Rep. Anthony Weiner Continues

Anthony Weiner twitter photo scandal

In our previous post, picked up by none other than Instapundit.com, we introduced you to Ginger Lee, Congressman Anthony Weiner’s favorite porn star. And now, we get to introduce you to his cats, or as he likes to put it in DM Tweets to young women who are not his wife, his “pussies.” (Is there a lewd pun this guy won’t utter?) Confused? Wondering why a picture of a guy on a couch with his cats is suggesting of something more scandalous than what would appear? Read on. (The soon to be notorious picture is located at the bottom of the post.)

Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com has the big scoop on the next phase of what will keep this story alive until Weiner cries uncle and possibly resigns as Democratic representative for his district of Brooklyn and Queens. That thud you are hearing is either Anthony Weiner’s jaw hitting the floor or his wife’s Manolos hitting him upside the head. (Or possibly both.)

According to Breitbart, Weiner is further guilty of what everyone except possibly his mother is now convinced of: that he seemed to enjoy keeping up contacts with not just one but several attractive young ladies through the social networking site Twitter. (If you want to dive into the deep end of the pool on Weinergate, check out this explication on some of Weiner’s discussions with teenage girls still in high school.)

In fact, this “pussies” shot comes from a cavalcade of images that Breitbart had been working with a whole week prior to the Friday, May 27th Tweet to the Seattle coed that sparked this controversy. The “pussies” image was to a still unrevealed young woman who weeks later approached Breitbart, a well known conservative new media personality loathed by his liberal counterparts, to help tell her story of a married congressman’s internet infidelities, in which she claims she received “intimate photographs, chats, and emails” from Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY).

That story remains untold, but we’ll get more details as the day progresses. Breitbart promises that many of the images are of an extremely graphic nature.

For now, this shot of Weiner at home with his “pussies”, as he crudely puts it in his double entrendre-filled email to the young woman, is just to whet the appetite. According to Breitbart, it was sent “via BlackBerry on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, under the subject, ‘Me and the pussys'”.

Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal photo of his pussies

Apparently, this is how Weiner breaks the ice on a romantic evening of sexting. What was that song from “The Lion King?”

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