Brazilian teen auctioning off virginity to assist ailing mother

Rebecca Bernardo auctioning her virginity

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In the case of Brazilian teenager Rebecca Bernardo, it’s also an extremely disturbing act.

18-year-old Bernardo was inspired to auction off her virginity by fellow Brazilian Catarina Migliorini. Unlike Catarina, who was simply pursuing fame (and receiving nearly $800,000 from the highest bidder), Rebecca says she’s doing this to assist with her ailing mother.

Her mother suffered a stroke and Bernardo claims that she has exhausted other more customary means to raise the money needed for her mom’s care taking. She told CNN, “I made up my mind right after my 18th birthday. That’s when my mother suffered a stroke.”

Here is her video via YouTube:

A neighbor noted that Rebecca’s older sister had passed away several years ago and that her father is long gone. “She had no one to go to, no one to help. This is the only solution she found.”

Her ailing mother disagrees completely with that assessment. She believes that her daughter “shouldn’t prostitute herself.” Further clouding her stated ambition, a local TV network offered to cover her mom’s medical expenses if she would put a halt to the auction. She declined the offer, explaining that she was also looking to fund a relocation.

Rebecca’s highest bidder so far has been $35,000

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