
Bachelorette Episode 5 preview video: The boys write poems

The Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky has a poem read to her in Iceland

We’re already headed into week 5 of The Bachelorette! Not since Melrose Place have we seen a woman go through 16 guys in four weeks! (Previous episodes of The Bachelorette excluded)

Things have been really heated this season, what with the weatherman bullying, Justin Rego chest thumping and Kasey Kahl tattoo, so Ali and the producers decided to cool things off a bit and take the boys to… ICELAND! And just in case sub-freezing temperatures aren’t enough to cool down the tempers and libidos of the seven remaining eligible bachelors, this week’s challenge is for all of the stud muffins to write Ali a love poem and read it to her in front of everyone!

Here’s a little sneak peek video from ABC.go.com:


Yep, that cooled things off a bit. But, for one of the guys, it’s going to get even colder as he gets rejected by Ali and is left on a glacier as the helicopter flies off!

To find out who gets left behind on the glacier, be sure to read our SPOILERS post that details the whole season episode by episode, including the identity of the lonely dudecicle!The Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky has a poem read to her in Iceland

Photo: ABC

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