VIDEO PHOTOS Brooks Ayers’ ex Nicolette Catanzarite
As we reported earlier, Vicki Gunvalson’s boyfriend Brooks Ayers was the subject of a 20/20 report last week featuring Nicolette Catanzarite, the mother of his three-year-old son, calling him out for being a deadbeat dad. The 41-year-old hair salon owner from Carmel, Indiana pulls no punches as she unleashes on Brooks for not only skipping out when their son was only 5 months old and sticking her with the hospital bill and no child support, but for then having the audacity to participate in a reality show flaunting his wealth and his family values!
Here is how 20/20 set up the piece followed by the actual video report:
So here’s a tip from the Cheating: 101 Handbook, if some people are calling you a deadbeat dad, thousands of dollars behind in child support, don’t go on national television to show the world how you’re rolling in the big bucks. Sound too brazen to be true? Well then you haven’t been watching the Real Housewives!
The clip featured a couple photos of Brooks Ayers and Nicolette Catanzarite together, and here are a couple additional photos from her Facebook page, including this wonderful shot of Nocolette and their son Joey:
Oh, and here’s Nicolette showing off both her seething resentment as well as her sense of humor, posing with the book, Dear Assh0le: 101 Tear-Out Letters to the Morons Who Muck Up Your Life
I’m not sure of the context of this next one, but Nicolette is rockin’ that swimsuit!
And speaking of her Facebook page, you can still read Nicolette’s shocked response after watching Brooks on The Real Housewives of Orange County for the first time:
Well Brooks disappeared how weird, he disappeared on me and his young child with no support money no insurance nothing. Seems he has mentioned he is all caught up…and that he has a great relationship with all his kids? Maybe the ones from his wife of 20 years in Mississippi but could give two sh!ts about my little guy! He’s a deadbeat and even worse a liar! Vicki, he isn’t caught up at all I have all supporting docs, more than any if you know! Yes I got cards everyday also and they said the same thing they say to you “Vicki” sorry but the truth us what will set you free and the truth should make real deadbeat dad pay all the arrearage for our son and not pretend or care if his existence! Scorned? No but Vicki I am a Mother and like you said last night ” you’ll fight for your child” well so will I!
Nicolette went into a little further detail than what’s included in the clip above, describing how Brooks began to change shortly after their son was born. Within two or three weeks I started seeing kind of a different behavior from him,” she recalls. “He was obsessive, angry, moody and controlling with me. It was very strange.”
That’s when Nicolette began noticing Brooks lies, including once falsely claiming he had been diagnosed with nose cancer. It was about this time he stopped providing much of any financial assistance.
“Our electric bill was getting shut off, my phone was getting shut off and I didn’t know he hadn’t been paying the rent on the house,” Nicolette says. “He would always make up excuses and say the judge has held the escrow account and they’ve locked all their funds until the divorce was final.”
And then, POOF! He was gone. All Nicolette had was a P.O. box number (and an infant child). The next time she saw Brooks it was on The Real Housewives of Orange County.
After suing Brooks in 2010, an agreement was reached in which he agreed to pay $700 a month in child support, in addition to paying the $2,500 he already owed. Nicolette has seen almost none of that money, despite Brooks flaunting his brand new $15,000 teeth and buying renting girlfriend sugar momma Vicki Gunvalson a mink fur coat.
A fan called Brooks out about the fur coat and teeth on on Twitter by writing, “Wow a beautiful woman like Vickie has to “BUY” you “TEETH”? THEN YOU BUY HER A FUR, COME ON NOW. VICKS DAUGHTER WAS RIGHT…”
To which Brooks responded with the tweet, “I paid for my teeth and the fur with my own money. Have a great night and thanks for watching us!”
I think I’m going to start calling Brooks “Tanker,” because he loves driving around to all parts of the country filling up love tanks! But, perhaps we should all take a page out of Brooks’ 49¢ greeting card guide to life and cut him some slack. After all, To Ayers is human, to forgive divine! (I’m totally not serious about cutting Brooks some slack – I just wanted to make that play on words!)
Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson were still together as recently as June 11, but Vicki hasn’t been seen or heard from much since the 20/20 special. The Reunion Show has already been recorded, so it probably won’t come up on there, although I’ve got $5 that says Tamra Barney storms off and gives Nicolette a call while the cameras are rolling
UPDATE – Vicki made the following post on her Facebook wall on Monday, which seems to indicate some sort of statement abtout the Brooks Ayers 20/20 report is forthcoming:
I look at the iconic women who’ve had trials and tribulations in their lives, and “I don’t pretend to be an ordinary housewife” from Elizabeth Taylor comes to mind. I’ll address my fans soon enough and appreciate all your positive thoughts and comments. Love~Vicki
Oh, and in case you missed it, find out how Brooks Ayers sees Tamra Barney and Vicki Gunvalson here!