Anne Hathaway: People needed a break from me

Anne Hathaway 2014

Anne Hathaway was everywhere this time last year. Then, she seemed to suddenly drop off the map.

Now at the Sundance Film Festival, she told the Huffington Post her public absence was an intentional career move: “My impression is that people needed a break from me.”

Indeed, it was basically a national pastime to criticize Anne’s award acceptance speeches last year. Vocal “Hathahaters” even attracted national media attention, with one New York Times writer devoting a few hundreds words to examine “What Is Anne Hathaway Doing Wrong?”

Among other hypotheses, the writer said, “For some nonfans, Ms. Hathaway seems to embody the archetypal high school drama geek who cannot turn off the eager, girlish persona, even away from the stage.”

Around the same time, Anne was crowned the Most Annoying Celebrity of 2013.

By that time, awards season was over and Anne was finally able to give the public a break (and/or take a break for the public). Her only 2013 film role was a cameo in Don Jon.

Now that 2014 is here, Anne is officially ending her hiatus with Song One, an indie film about a brother and sister bonding over music. She also has a role in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Interstellar.

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