America’s Next Top Model 16 Alexandria Everett photos, videos and brief bio

America's Next Top Model Cycle 16 banner with all contestants

Tyra Banks and the beauty crew of America’s Next Top Model will return for their 16th season on February 23rd as 14 fresh new faces from around the country compete to win the ultimate career-launching prize package: a contract with IMG Models, one of the top international modeling management companies in the world; a fashion spread in Vogue Italia and an additional spread and cover of Beauty in Vogue; and a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl Cosmetics.

ANTM Alexandria Everett from America's Next Top Model Cycle 16We will be doing profile posts on all the contestants with their official ANTM Cycle 16 promo photos, background information provided by The CW and whatever other info we could dig up, including links to their Facebook pages, online portfolios and anything else of interest!

First up is 21-year-old Alexandria Everett, a super-thin blond from Newport Beach, California.

Name: Alexandria

Age: 21

Height: 5’ 10”

Hometown: Newport Beach, California

Current Location: Huntington Beach, California

Occupation: Currently unemployed

Favorite Designer: Karl Lagerfeld

Biggest ANTM Fear: Accidentally falling or doing something embarrassing while modeling.

Most Confident About: My drive to never give up on what I want.

Favorite Non-Modeling Activities: Adventures in new places. I love snowboarding, hiking, surfing, cliff-diving, hanging out with my sister and any of my five brothers.

I found an online press release announcing the fact that Alexandria had signed with Models International. (Notice that it says she will be making an appearance in Seth Rogan’s The Green Hornet!)

LOS ANGELES, CA–(Marketwire – November 12, 2009) – Models International, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hollywood Studios International, announced the signing of rising starlet Alexandria Everett. Ms. Everett has already been featured in numerous runway shows throughout Los Angeles, such as Jen Awad, Gen Art and Scott Weiland English Laundry.

William Scott Whitfield, Managing Partner of Models International, said, “Alexandria’s modeling career is exploding! We’re looking for huge things from her in 2010 as in just a few short months she’s become one of Los Angeles’ most sought after models… scoring everything from Look Books to Runway.”

Ms. Everett can be seen in the upcoming remake film version of the classic TV series “The Green Hornet” starring Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz.

You can see a lot of photos of Alexandria Everett on her Fashion Model Directory profile page, including this sexy lingerie picture:

ANTM Alexandria Everett lingerie picture

Here is Alexandria briefly introducing herself followed by a sample runway walk in a teeny tiny bikini from Models International:

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