‘Affluenza’ teen Ethan Couch’s appeal rejected by judge


The Texas judge currently presiding over Ethan Couch’s case apparently ain’t got time for the “affluenza” defense that let the teenager originally slide out of trouble and then slide into the national consciousness.

Judge Wayne Salvant issued an order yesterday reaffirming the terms he placed on Couch back in April, after his case was transferred to adult court. The order requires Couch to spend 180 days in jail for each of the four people he killed during a drunk driving incident in which he rammed into a crowd of people who were attempting to assist a stranded motorist.

These sentences are to be served consecutively, read back-to-back-to-back-to-back, instead of concurrently which would have meant just 180 days in.

Couch’s legal team argued that Salvant had exceeded the court’s authority. He disagreed, and also cancelled a scheduled hearing on the matter that was set for May 16 while he was at it.

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