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A Garbage Bin of Jewels: Bravo responds to Allison Dubois by airing hour long psychic dinner party special

No one flipped a table at this classic Real Housewives dinner party, but it was apparent that at least one guest was flipped out.

Camille Grammer invited all the girls, including her nemesis Kyle Richards to a dinner party heavy on the cocktails, and featuring one very special guest star: Psychic Medium Allison Dubois (who inspired the now canceled Medium TV show.)

Allison, who was known to get get more “feelings” when she gets sloshed (don’t we all?) drank liberally from Camille’s large vodka cocktail special [Recipe via producer Dave Rupel: 1 part vodka, 2 parts lemonade, Fresh raspberries & blackberries, A sprig of lavender,(And presumably an electric cigarette, though that might be optional.)] and and entertained the other girls with her strange, hostile, and boasting remarks. She pretended to ask  for “a night off” from her psychic duties, but seemed eager enough to give Kyle a reading: that she would never be emotionally fulfilled by her husband. Before that little nugget of insight she asked Kyle if she’s been married before. When Kyle replied yes, Allison expressed sarcastic relief that Kyle wouldn’t have to get divorced again and remarry.

After the other girls left, Allison delighted in the fact that she knew when and how Kyle would die, and gloated at the imaginary scenario of being able to turn them away if they came groveling to Allison for help when their children went missing. She also said that they were bitches, and bitches were too stupid to spell “friends, ” and said she’s like to shove her electronic cigarette up Kyle’s nether regions, but it might have to be something bigger “so she could feel it.”

It was a night that deflated any fragile mystery Allison Dubois had about her. Many viewers deduced that she was a fraud, just a delusional attention-seeking lady with a mean streak; others felt that she did have some psychic abilities, but chose to use them to create negative energy (on national television, no-less.)

Allison’s response was to blame Bravo’s editing for her portrayal (much like Camille’s argument.) Editing is a way for reality show producers to heighten the drama, but let’s face it, they can’t do anything unless you give them the material. They don’t edit antisocial smirks, expressing unbridled mirth at claiming to know when a person is going to die, or jokes about shoving electronic cigarette up someone’s ass. Speaking of which, they didn’t edit that ridiculous electronic cigarette into her hand.

So, to prove this point, Bravo fought back with a ridiculously guilty-pleasure-ridden long cut of the infamous  dinner party. It didn’t air the entire party as it happened, but the edits were low and the behavior spoke for itself.

Among some of the unaired footage, we got a new quote from Allison that may rival Kelly Bensimon’s “Satchels of Gold.” Referring to the departed ladies, Allison said “Garbage of rubies and diamonds, a garbage bin of jewels,” adding “Lucifer wears many faces.” The girl loves to cut a sinister metaphor.

Also among the extra footage is Allison’s reading for Lisa, which was all kinds of wrong. Lisa wanted to connect with her grandmother, and Allison mistakenly assumed that Lisa’s grandmother raised her. She also said that the grandmother was pissed at Lisa for not knowing that she was there, and that Lisa was too closed off emotionally to face things, and that she gave all her love through material means. Lisa rebutted that she’s extremely in touch with her emotions, and it’s kind of obvious through what little we know with her caretaker relationship with her betrayer Cedric that she gives with her heart as well as her pocketbook.

They also included the limo ride where Kyle brought out nekkid pictures of Camille from her email, which the other ladies gawked at without abandon.

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