90 DAY FIANCE Meisha and Nicola together in US PHOTOS

90 Day Fiance Meisha and Nicola in the United States

In unexpected 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days news, chemistry-less Catholic couple Meisha and Nicola were spotted together on Thursday. In the United States!?

Nicola and Meisha were reportedly at Minnesota’s Mall of America when they were recognized by redditor u/crose360. And the report was backed up with receipts in the form of a photograph!

Spotted: Meisha & Nicola at the MOA!
by u/crose360 in 90DayFiance

“I spotted Meisha & Nicola at the food court at Mall of America today and nearly spit out my drink!” u/crose360 captioned the image above. “I had my husband snap a covert pic as I was wrangling the littles. Sorry for the bad quality pic! I was shocked to see him in Minnesota and even more shocked they are together.”

The argument could be made that the photo was not 100% definiteive proof that the couple was actually Meisha and Nicola. However, another redditor also saw the duo! And that redditor also took a photo!

by u/Maynardthedog from discussion Spotted: Meisha & Nicola at the MOA!
in 90DayFiance

The 90 Day paparazzi then had a humorous exchange about their similar experience:

u/crose360: Omg this is great! Love it. We were probably right next to them. Did you see me creep behind the pillar to express my astonishment?

u/Maynardthedog: Lol. I did not. I was too preoccupied snooping on their business

Given what viewers have seen so far on the current season of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days, it seemed all but certain that Meisha and Nicola were headed for a relationship annulment.

Perhaps Meisha received another message from two suns telling her to stay with Nicola? Or perhaps it was a message from 90 Day Fiance producers offering another season?

Regardless, it looks like fans will likely be seeing more of Meisha and Nicola’s awkwardness after the current season wraps up! Stay tuned!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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