90 DAY FIANCÉ Justin wears Nazi uniform in Instagram video?
90 Day Fiancé Season 10 star Nikki Exotika’s Moldovan fiancé Igor (aka Justin) is coming under fire after he posted a video in which he appears to be wearing a Nazi SS uniform while driving and singing along to a Tom Jones song.
The brief clip was reportedly posted as a reel on Justin’s Instagram back in June, but was quickly deleted after the video recently began making the rounds online — including this reddit post:
Justin in a Nazi uniform?
byu/peepeehalpert_ in90dayfianceuncensored
Initially, there was some debate as to whether or not the uniform Justin is wearing in the clip is actually a Nazi uniform, but a few quick Google searches seems to confirm that it is — or at least the hat certainly is.
Below are a couple screen grab’s from Justin’s video along with a Nazi SS officer’s Schirmmütze (peaked cap) from 1938 and after:
Redditor u/FeistyReplacement315 points out that the uniform “looks to be a (replica/costume) 1932 Model Service Jacket SS Obergruppenfuhrer Allgemeine. Worn by officers and generals.”
I researched the uniform and was able to match up the general appearance and the collar patches. The silver rope adornment is similar to the one seen here, but Justin’s is attached differently.
I couldn’t find a match for the triangular medal on Justin’s chest, but the colors match those of Nazi medals.
We don’t see a lot of Justin’s arms in the video. From what we do see, I would think that the red swastika armband famously worn by Nazis would be evident if Justin was wearing one. If he is wearing one, it isn’t high up on his arm.
Justin responds to Nazi uniform controversy
Soon after Justin’s video started going viral on multiple online 90 Day Fiancé fan groups and pages, someone commented on Justin’s Instagram asking him about the uniform. Here is that comment, along with Justin’s response, as re-posted by @ghostof_lisasbabytoe:
We want to know why you deleted your N@zi costume post from your IG feed!
@TLC @90dayfiance
JUSTIN: @COMMENTER Who are you? And why are you so interested? Do you ever have fun at all? Do you wear different costumes? I wonder how you spend your Halloween there? What do you dress up as? And how do you judge each other?
I don’t know your culture yet, but I start understanding better
Nikki Exotika hasn’t addressed the Nazi uniform controversy directly, but she shared this Instagram story post moments ago that might be referencing it:
TLC and show producers have not responded publicly to the controversy.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com