16 & PREGNANT Update on Lindsey Nicholson’s twins Paisley and Jackson
16 and Pregnant alum Lindsey Nicholson continues to update her social media followers on the health of her premature twins Paisley and Jackson. The last time we checked in, Lindsey and her husband TJ were forced to leave their son Jackson in NICU in Lubbock to fly with Paisley to see a specialist in Houston. They were informed that Paisley probably had the rare liver disease Bilary Artesia, as more tests needed to be done to be sure.
Those tests seem to indicate that Paisley doesn’t have Bilary Artesia after all. Here is Lindsey’s update from December 7:
Paisley update- today has been a busy day with all of Paisley’s new doctors and specialists. Her liver specialists do not think she has the liver disease Bilary Artesia, but they do know she does have a liver disease, just not sure what kind of liver disease yet. They sent off blood work to Atlanta to find out. Best case scenario is the type of liver disease she does have has a short term treatment plan so she can wait a few months/ or a year to get stronger & bigger then receive the transplant.
During the ultra sound they found a blood clot in her main portal valve (we knew about that one already) what we didn’t know is around that, her body created collateral veins — well, blood clots have formed in those as well. So her blood supply/ oxygen level to those major organs (liver/heart) is cut off some. Weird part is she’s been on a blood thinner since we found out about the first one (a couple weeks ago) and instead of making that one smaller or go away, her body’s created new ones.
Tomorrow they will find out if any blood clots have moved or started growing in her heart. They will also be doing a brain ultra sound. We will know a lot more as days go on
#wejustwantanswers #prayforpaisley
A few days after that update, Lindsey shared a post that shed some light on just how difficult it has been to have two premature babies in hospitals hundreds of miles apart as well as a daughter who is currently in kindergarten:
Today my husband & I headed back to Lubbock so we could spend time with Jackson in the NICU & get Aniyah from my friends house to be with her as well. I can’t even begin to explain how bad our hearts hurt. Having two babies in the ICU 10 hours away from each other, a kindergartner who cant miss school, a dad/husband who needs to continue to work so he can provide, & a mama who so badly wants to be with all her babies. Yet knowing it’s physically impossible to be in 3 places at once. I don’t even know how to feel right now.
I pray nobody ever has to experience what we are going through. The day all 5 of us get to be home together is going to be the best day of my life. I hope each of you hold your babies a little extra tight tonight before bed. As some of us would do anything to tuck our babies in at home. Never take your health for granted. #prayforpaisley #mamawillbebacksoon #houston #lubbock #nicubabies
Lindsey returned on December 14 to post another update, although there wasn’t a lot of new information:
Guess who hit 5 POUNDS today?! This sweet girl did ? I know everyone wants an update and so do we. Without the blood work results there isn’t much the doctors in Houston can do regarding her liver and those can take up to another 3 weeks. Good news is, since she’s been in Houston her liver condition hasn’t gotten worse. Paisley’s blood clot in her pulmonary vein was confirmed yesterday after a repeat echo. She will be staying on a blood thinner for quite some time. It’s no wonder she couldn’t kick the staph infection..it had been living in her pulmonary vein and main portal valve. We are Waiting to hear from the cardiologist on exactly what his plan is.
So best case scenario is they send Paisley back to the NICU in Lubbock. & once she is discharged from the ICU we will fly to Houston to see them regarding her liver disease and do everything as out patient. Prayers whatever those liver results come back as it’s something treatable with a pill of some sort instead of surgery/transplant in her future????
The next day Lindsey was able to finally share some good news as Jackson was able to go home! “Look who became a NICU graduate today!!” Lindsey wrote, along with a photo of Jackson wearing an “NICU graduate” shirt. “Jackson James you did it little dude. So proud of him ?? #36weeksgestation #29weeker #twin #1down1moretogo #heshome”
The anxious parents were still playing the waiting game as far as Paisley’s health on December 20:
Jackson & Paisley Update: Jackson is loving being home. He had his eye appointment yesterday and his eyes are developing really well which is great since he was on oxygen for so long. Today he had his pediatrician appointment to get all his shots. Doc said he’s doing very well & behaving just like a full term baby should. He’s probably the most well behaved baby Ever. We got very lucky with this boy?
Paisley- Paisley was going to fly back to the Lubbock NICU on Monday but, we ended up having quite the scare Sunday. Paisley started stooling and vomiting blood. They decided to hold her feeds until they found out what was causing the blood. After running a bunch of tests and them not finding anything wrong they are starting her feeds again today. As long as she doesn’t start bleeding again they will transport her back to Lubbock NICU Friday!! ??We are still waiting for her liver results ????
On Decmber 23, Paisley was finally able to fly back to Lubbock! “Look who flew back just in time for Christmas,” Lindsey captioned a photo of Paisley being bottle fed by dad TJ. She added a string of emoji and hash tags: ??? #wishcometrue
Lindsey’s most recent update is from December 30, in which she reveals some good news and some bad news for Paisley:
Paisley Update: Let me start out with the good. She’s officially breathing all on her own??? Shes also gaining weight just as she should.
Our sweet girl just can’t catch a break..Unfortunately when Paisley got back from Houston she tested positive for staph infection AGAIN? it’s a different type of staph than she had before. She tested positive for it in her nose. You are probably thinking how in the world did she get staph again.. well the doctor said she got it from a contaminated hi-flo (oxygen equipment) or a nurse/doctor/resp therapist not washing there hands when messing with Paisleys nasal cannula. There is no way to ever know exactly how she got it though. She’s in complete isolation now until it’s gone. Hopefully we caught it in time and that it won’t go into her blood stream.
We finally got her liver results back!! She has a very rare liver disorder. We are waiting to speak with her specialist in Houston to learn more about it and figure out a treatment plan. #prayforpaisley
Our thoughts continue to be with Lindsey and her family, and we hope that the start of 2018 will mark the beginning of a string of good news updates resulting in all five Nicholsons being home together! To keep up with the Nicholsons’ journey, just follow Lindsey on Instagram under @lilmamalinds. You can also help the family out with some of their HUGE medical expense by donating through their official GoFundMe page.