PHOTO VIDEO Courtney Stodden without makeup: ‘literally feel my best with a naked face’
Perhaps inspired by the liberating feeling of baring all the intimate details of her personal life on Lifetime’s The Mother Daughter Experiment, Courtney Stodden is now baring her face with a makeup-free photo and video!
Courtney posted the photo above on Instagram on Wednesday and captioned it with “NO MAKEUP … NO HAIRSPRAY… NO FANCY CLOTHES… NO FILTER just me. #BeingBrave” She followed that up with a video clip in which she shows off her au naturale features (and slightly un naturale breasts) and declares, “Do you know I feel my best without any makeup on? Who knew?!”
If you needed a reminder, here’s a photo from a few weeks ago in which Courtney strikes a similar pose, but with her familiar Marilyn Monroe inspired makeup in place:
And just in case watching The Mother Daughter Experiment has you asking the question: Are Courtney Stodden and husband Doug Hutchison still together? Courtney answered that with a photo and a resounding “YES!”
To see more of Courtney Stodden without metaphorical cosmetics, be sure to tune into new episode of The Mother Daughter Experiment airing Friday nights at 11/10c on Lifetime.