Kate Moss feels like she shouldn’t be held responsible for girls’ eating disorders

Kate Moss isn’t very happy with her 90s legacy. Kate’s rail thin, pale look became synonymous with a fashion trend known as “heroin chic.” Dark circles around the eyes, and seemeing disheveled and lost also contributed to the look. But Kate thinks it was all crazy because she never did heroin. The supermodel is also sore about being associated with anorexia.

“It was horrible, especially the anorexic thing,’ she told Allure magazine.

The heroin, I was like, “Oh, it’s just ridiculous I don’t do heroin. Just because I wear a bit of black eyeliner that’s smudged”.

But the anorexic thing was a lot more upsetting, to be held responsible for somebody’s illness. I wasn’t anorexic.”

Although Kate has always been extremely thin, the “anorexic thing” probably has more to do with a comment she made to Women’s Wear Daily in 2009. When asked if she had any mottos, Kate replied, “There are loads of mottos. There’s ‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’. That’s one of them.”

Whether she meant it to or not, that sentence became a major source of “thinspiration” for young girls with eating disorders, or on the verge of them.

As for the “heroin chic,” thing, it wasn’t really an accusation that Kate did heroin, just that general look of the models, their clothes, their makeup, and the photography fit in with a “druggy”-type look.

Kate also addressed the heroin and anorexia issues last October in Vanity Fair:

“I had never even taken heroin — it was nothing to do with me at all. I think Corinne [Day] — she wasn’t on heroin but always loved that Lou Reed song, that whole glamorizing the squat, white-and-black and sparse and thin, and girls with dark eyes. She loved that look. I was thin, but that’s because I was doing shows, working really hard. At that time, I was staying at a B and B in Milan, and you’d get home from work and there was no food. You’d get to work in the morning, there was no food. Nobody took you out for lunch when I started. Carla Bruni took me out for lunch once. She was really nice. Otherwise, you don’t get fed. But I was never anorexic. They knew it wasn’t true — otherwise I wouldn’t be able to work.”

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