What is Julia Roberts’ new religion?

Filming Eat, Pray, Love has had more than an impact on Julia Roberts’ waistline, she’s also changed her religion.

The soul searching star says she’s converted to Hinduism after shooting the movie adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s travel memoir.The film was shot in sequence, and had Julia visiting Italy (where she ate enough pizza to gain almost 10 pounds), India (where she discovered Hinduism), and Bali (where her character finds love).

Roberts was raised in a Christian family (Baptist and Catholic), but now practices  Hinduism with her husband Danny Moder and three children. Hindus believe in reincarnation, and Juila already has some general plans for her next life: “I’ve been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting.”

When she was shooting Eat, Pray, Love in India, they turned a temple into a closed set for several weeks, which reportedly angered some Hindus. There were also reports that many Hindus were upset that the film would inaccurately portray the Hindu faith, but regardless of that Hindu leaders are delighted to hear of the famous American actress’s conversion and welcome her to the faith with open arms. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed said that “she would appreciate rich, diverse and long tradition of Hindu philosophy; and its interpretation of the nature of reality,” and advised her to realize the Self.”

According to Hindu beliefs, realizing the Self would mean freeing yourself from the life-and-death cycle and going to the afterlife, which can be on several planes.

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