VIDEO PHOTOS Woman with fake baby bump full of cocaine arrested at airport

Tabitha Leah Ritchie arrested in Colombian airport with fake baby bump full of cocaine

It was quite the odd delivery at the Bogota airport in Colombia recently when a seemingly pregnant Toronto woman was induced by airport security and gave birth to a 4-pound, 6-ounce bouncing bundle of cocaine! No, she didn’t actually birth the drugs, 28-year-old Tabitha Leah Ritchie (above) was hiding them inside a fake baby bump made of latex while trying to board an Air Canada flight when an inspector noticed that her belly was unusually cold and hard.

prosthetic pregnant belly full of cocaine

Woman arrested at Colombian airport with prosthetic baby bump full of cocaine

Here’s a video on the arrest showing Tabitha and her prosthetic belly:

Colombian police identify Tabitha as a social worker and say she entered the country on August 6. There isn’t much more information available as neither Colombian or Canadian officials seem to be responding to media inquiries.

Here are some more photos of Tabitha Leah Ritchie’s fake baby bump full of “bumps” so to speak:

Woman caught at Colombian airport with fake pregnant blly full of cocaine

Woman tries to smuggle cocain in a prosthetic fake baby bump

A concept for a new reality show just occurred to me called Teen Mule.

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