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VIDEO Target manager goes full Braveheart with epic Black Friday speech


“Once more unto the Black Friday breach, dear friends…”

In the world of retail, Black Friday is the everything and a Target manager known only to the world as “Scot” brought this fact home to his employees with an epic war cry before opening the doors warning that “whatever comes through those gates – you will stand your ground!”

We all know you fail when you film vertical but we’ve embedded Alex in his full glory because the man deserves that type of respect:

Here is the transcript of Scot the Great’s full speech that will echo across the aisles of American consumerism forever:

People of Target. Brothers, sisters – hear me now. They’re standing out there. Any moment now those doors will be breached. Whatever comes through those gates, you will stand your ground with a smile on your face. They come here with bargains in their heads and fire in their eyes. And we shall give those bargains to them.

We will show them that we are not just the best store in this neighborhood but the best store anywhere. Because we are more than just a store, this is a team, this is a family. THIS IS TARGETTTTTTT!!!!!

Not only did Alex lead his troops bravely into battle, he once again certified that Target totally owns Walmart with his take down of that retail chain’s most infamous manager pep talk (sing-a-long):

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