VIDEO Oklahoma tornado survivor finds dog buried alive during live interview


The horrific news continues to filter in from the devastating tornado that struck the city of Moore, Oklahoma on Monday. As of this post the official death toll stood at 51 but a coroner’s office official stated some 40 bodies have yet to be processed by medical examiners — roughly half of them children. Even more bodies could be hidden under the vast amounts of debris, authorities were warning.

Hundreds of other people have been injured.

During a live interview with CBS News, Barbara Garcia was discussing her personal story of having survived the tornado outside of her destroyed home. She explained how she tried to protect herself and her dog in her bathroom the best she could but was unable to locate her lost pet after they had been separated.

Then, the dog who had been buried alive emerged from the rubble and the two were joined together again as the camera continued filming.

“Well I got God to answer one prayer to let me be okay, but he answered both of them,” a scarred and battered Garcia said as the sounds of sirens could be heard all around.

If you want to do your part to help you can visit the official website for The American Red Cross here.

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