
VIDEO Morgan Freeman, Jimmy Fallon suck helium, do squeaky-voiced interview

 Morgan Freeman

Good sport.


When God-voiced Morgan Freeman went on The Tonight Show, he thought he was just going to talk about his role in current number-one movie in America Lucy, and the delightful time he had narrating science series Through the Wormhole.

He may or may not have been expecting Jimmy Fallon to ask  Freeman to poke a bit of fun at himself. All in the name of science, of course. Helium counts as science, right?



It’s hard to say whether the best part of the clip is Freeman’s fantastic deadpan, or the unabashed and delighted glee that Fallon takes from the whole experience.

It’s also hard to say who would be a better helium voice than Morgan Freeman. But we’d love to see Fallon try this out with a whole host of other actors. Who wouldn’t want to hear Bryan Cranston recite Walter White’s “I am the one who knocks” monologue in a Roger Rabbit pitch? Or, speaking of Roger Rabbit, how about Kathleen Turner doing Jessica Rabbit’s most famous lines in a voice more reminiscent of Judge Doom?

And of course it’d be great to hear James Earl Jones on helium…but he might end up just sounding normal.

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