VIDEO Jimmy Fallon and Paul McCartney perform “Scrambled Eggs” to the tune of “Yesterday”

Paul McCartney performs Chicken Wings to tune of Yesterday on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

Paul McCartney has often told the story of how he used the words “scrambled eggs” as a placeholder until the final lyrics of “Yesterday” were complete. Sir Paul was on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night and Jimmy talked him into performing the song with the original edible lyrics as well as a few add-ons. The result? Hilarity!

(No, Jimmy wasn’t singing like Neil Young. Awwwwww….)

Scrambled Eggs
oh my baby how I love your legs
Not as much as I love scrambled eggs
Oh we should eat some scrambled eggs

Waffle fries
Oh my darling how I love your thighs
Not as much as I love waffle fries
Oh have you tried
the waffle fries

They are so damn good
that they should be illegal
They’re like regular fires
but they’re shaped like a waffle

Chicken wings…
(Chicken wings? No, no no. I’m vegetarian, no chicken wings))

Tofu wings
Oh my baby when hear you sing
All I think about is tofu wings
Oh did you bring the tofu wings

There’s a place I know
where I go for kick ass wings
We could even get a side of onion rings

Scrambled eggs
Oh my baby how I love your legs
Not as much as I love scrambled eggs
Oh lets go get
Some scrambled eggs

Mmmm hmmm mmm
Mmmm hmmm mmm

That is beautiful stuff! Definitely leaves me hungry for more! Actually, it just leaves me hungry period…

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