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VIDEO Kid channels Michael Jackson during amazing talent show performance


Who needs a hologram!?!

17-year-old Brett W. Nichols pulled a Napoleon Dynamite by exploding minds and melting young girls’ hearts during his going viral dance performance at the Pitman High School end of the year talent show.

The California kid went full-blown King of Pop as he pretty darn near flawlessly emulated Michael Jackson’s eternal feet of fancy for a blazing performance of “Billie Jean.”

Nichols has never had any formal training but he revealed how he came across this particularly amazing set of ninja skills to Yahoo:

“It started in 2001, at a very young age, when Michael reunited with his brothers. Someone in my house was flipping through the channels, [and] the way he moves really caught my eye. Over the years, through YouTube, I spent months just watching it again and again… I studied each part [and] taught myself.”

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene…

As for pursuing a career in dance after his sudden internet fame? Brett says not so much, “Dancing is a positive hobby that I pour my energy into but I’m really into filmmaking.”

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