VIDEO Kate Upton dances the “Cat Daddy” in SI Swimsuit cover bikini
Famed and borderline creepy photographer Terry Richardson is like that dude in theatre school from college I used to room with. He is able to get women to do all sorts of nefarious things that are beyond belief or explanation.
The latest example is the following video that our man posted of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover girl Kate Upton doing the “Cat Daddy” dance in the same impossibly tiny bikini from said publication. It is only a minute long but I have discovered via my crack (or should I say cleavage) investigative skills that there is a means for me to embed this clip so that it plays over and over and over and over again until you are hypnotized.
Heads up. Kate is always nearly too hot for work and the “Cat Daddy” tune is for sure.
You’re welcome!