VIDEO Complete Jon Gosselin on Larry King interview 10-1-09

Here are a videos of Jon Gosselin’s appearance on Larry King Live tonight, October 1, 2009:
I literally laughed out loud when I heard Jon’s lawyer speak! This guy is a caricature of a stereotypical sleazy lawyer. I was watching with a female friend of mine and she had the same astonished and humored look on her face. It spawned an interesting conversation in which we compared male and female sleaze detectors. Our first instinct was that women had a built in sleaze-detector as part of their intuition, but that didn’t allow for the “hot chicks with douchebags” element so prevalent in society.
In the end, our debate didn’t really accomplish anything except turn our attention from Jon, Larry and Sleazy McCreeperton – which was a good thing.
Jon has obviously been visited by some spin doctors, which are probably easy to find during non-election times. He’s all of a sudden owning up to his “mistakes” (sleeping with multiple 20-somethings, staying out drinking every night, partying on Christian Audigier’s yacht…) and taking the “high road” by asking TLC to quit filming the show, which dropped his name from the title just yesterday. He’s claiming the show is detrimental to the welfare of his kids, contradicting earlier statements that the show had actually been beneficial to the well-being of his children.
Some other points from Jon and Shiftybob Lawyerpants:
Jon didn’t understand the contract he was signing, and therefore it isn’t valid.
TLC didn’t get the appropriate Pennsylvania permit to employ the children or to film on the property.
Jon apologized to Kate, the kids and Hailey – the only one that has stood by him through all his douchebaggery.