VIDEO Fern the Boxer ain’t got time for that!

Fern the Boxer

Q: What would it take for you to go from anger to pure joy after having to endure hearing a car horn blast for nearly 15 minutes?

A: Fern the Boxer!

Road rage is real and so is the power of a cute animal video. Combine the two and you got yourself some viral video gold.

Graham and Fiona Harrow of Liff, Scotland left their pup Fern in their car as they dropped in to an art gallery. Fern was all like “no way Jose” as she slid into the front seat and started blowing that horn.

Her noise and “zero (youknowwhats) given” look attracted passers by who gathered and took pictures and thankfully the following video:

Graham said, “When I got closer, I realized people were pointing and laughing and taking pictures. She was sitting in there casually honking the horn. A young lad on a scooter told me he had been there from the beginning and it had been going on for 15 minutes, we had only been away for 20 minutes.”

Fiona added, “It was as if she was saying, ‘Where have you been? I’ve been waiting.’ She is a bit of a diva, she just wants a bit of attention.”

Fern, I love you…

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