VIDEO Brian McKnight posts filthy “If You’re Ready to Learn”

With each passing day we sadly have to be inching towards all celebrities realizing they should just put the Twitter and YouTube down and walk away. The latest social media mind blower comes from soul-singing Brian McKnight.

Less than 24 hours ago McKnight gave his followers a heads up about a new song he’s working on for an adult mixtape.

It’s actually called “If You’re Ready to Learn” and it’s like a slow jam 2 Live Crew (dating myself) tune with some R Kelly thrown in. This is a strange piece of YouTube postification as Brian walks viewers through the process of how he came to write the song and then proceeds to get his obscene groove on. Warning: This is just stuffed full of Parental Advisory sticker worthy material. You’ve been warned!

In case you’re unable to get YouTube where you’re at here’s a taste of the lyrics from the bottom of Brian’s edificatin’ heart:

“Let me show you how your p—- works, since you didn’t bring it to me first. I have lots of things to show you if you’re ready to learn. Let me show you how your p—- works, bet you didn’t know that it could squirt. I have lots of things to show you if you’re ready to learn.”

The thing that really gets you is that there’s no crack up at the end or anything just the song straight up dead serious. This sent many peeps in to a frenzy and they blasted Brian’s Twitter and dude has been replying and defending his work with tons of Twitter responses.

One female fan asked, ” Women will be more crazy about U. LOL. But even if it’s an adult tape wouldn’t it be sexier if it was a little less suggestive?” McNasty replied:

And then Brian forgot one big important rule of these here interwebs; Once you post something it’s out there and you can’t go back. He tweeted later:

Too late to take your “Ready to Learn” track down sir! It’s out of the bag so I hope McKnight gets used to that idea.

Photo: Johnny Louis/