VIDEO Bishop Eddie Long addresses sex scandal to New Birth congregation
Bishop Eddie Long finally addressed the allegations of sexual coercion brought by four different young men who filed civil suits against the New Birth pastor last week. Long spoke to the New Birth congregation in Lithonia, Georgia earlier this morning and then held a press conference after the service.
On both occasions Bishop Long was very careful about what he said, prefacing each with the fact that his attorney have advised him to not say too much about it because they want his guilt or innocence to be determined in a “court of justice” and not the court of public opinion.
Here is Bishop Eddie Long speaking to his congregation followed by a transcript of what he said:
UPDATE – My Fox Atlanta has since made Bishop Eddie Long’s complete address to the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church available in a high-quality video so I will include it as well:
“There have been allegations and attacks made on me. I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man, but I am not the man that is being portrayed on the television. That is not me. That is not me.
By the counsel of my lawyers they have advised me not to try this case in the media. I am not going to try this case in the media. It will be tried in the court of justice and dealy with in the court of justice. And please understand that that’s the only place that I believe I’ll get justice, but being in the hands of God.
Please hear this. Please hear this. I’ve been accused. I’m under attack. I want you to know, as I said earlier, I am not a perfect man, but this thing I’m going to fight. And I want you to know one other thing, I feel like David against Goliath, but I’ve got five rocks and I haven’t thrown one yet!”
This next video is Bishop Eddie Long addressing the media in a press conference that occurred after the New Birth service:
And here is the report filed by Action News 2 prior to the Bishop speaking:
Videos/Photo: WSB-TV Channel 2 Action News