VIDEO and PHOTOS taken at the moment of the Brad Pitt motorcycle crash

Brad Pitt motorcycle crash

Oh the carnage! Or perhaps it would be better to say, Oh the motorcyclenage! Here is the video and some photos taken from the moment Brad Pitt smashed into a parked car while riding his brand new custom chopper at speeds in excess of 100 cmph! Luckily for Angelina Jolie (and the thousands of needy children the celebrity couple has adopted over the years) Brad emerged unscathed. The motorbike sustained a horrific amount of little scratches right on the tip of the handlebar.

Click any of the thumbnails to see larger images in the photo gallery:

Photos: MAC/Fame Pictures

And here is the remarkable video footage. I should warn squeamish viewers that the video is quite graphic and includes a moment when it looked like Brad Pitt might actually fall down.

You may wonder why this is news. This is news because for men everywhere it is proof that Brad Pitt is capable of doing something not completely cool. The last thing he did that wasn’t cool was Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn’t really count because she was still cool at the time.

To see some more great (and better quality) photos and videos from right before and right after the accident, see our first Brad Pitt motorcycle crash post.

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