PHOTOS Teresa Giudice is RIPPED in 1st NPC bodybuilding competition

Teresa Giudice NPC competition results 3rd place

Tamra Judge had better watch out because there is a new Real Housewives NPC fitness competitor in Bravopolis! The Real Housewives of New Jersey‘s Teresa Giudice must have been doing a TON of table flips recently because she was ripped for her very first bodybuilding competition at the NPC South Jersey Bodybuilding Championships on Saturday!

Here are a few photos of Teresa competing:

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The competition took fans by surprise as Teresa had mentioned absolutely nothing about it on social media prior to the competition. She has been sharing lots of workout videos, in addition to her newfound passion for yoga, but pretty much no one knew Teresa was going to hit the stage and compete.

So how did she do? Teresa took third place in 40+ masters bikini. Judging from the contest’s official results page, it appears as though there were seven competitors in that category, so third place sounds pretty damn great!

Not everyone was in the dark about Teresa’s NPC debut, however. In attendance at the event to show their support were Teresa’s brother Joe Gorga and sister-in-law Melissa Gorga as well as their kids:

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Congratulations to Teresa on her successful NPC debut! Here is a gallery of TONS of photos of Teresa from the event:

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Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm.

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