Tennessee man Jack Daniels names firstborn Jim Beam

Jack Daniels and Jim Beam

When parents give their baby an outlandish name, some others assume that child will grow up to resent Mom and Dad every time they are asked to explain. But what if one of those parents has an equally outlandish name?

For the Leathers of Tennessee, unusual monikers is turning into a tradition — starting with Jack Daniels and continuing with his newborn son, Jim Beam. It all started two generations ago when Grandma and Grandpa Leathers were expecting their first child…

“My parents decided they wanted to name their son something to make their parents mad,” Jack told Houma Today. “And, at the time, my dad was drinking Jack, which he enjoyed. My mom said, ‘Why not?'”

As he grew up, Jack didn’t resent the name. In fact, on his first date with eventual-wife Lydia, they decided to make a tradition of alcohol-inspired names. Their decision was reinforced when they were married by Judge Johnny Walker. So, when their first son was born on November 14, they didn’t hesitate to write “Jim Beam Leathers” on the birth certificate.

Jack Daniels Leather - Jim Beam Leathers

“It’s hard to find a name that you like that nobody you know has,” Lydia said. “We get a lot of flack from other people about it. At the end of the day, it’s our son, and it’s what we wanted to do.”

And although little Jim Beam is only five weeks old, Jack and Lydia have already settled on names for their future children.

“If we have another child, our second born will be Evan Williams, after the bourbon,” Jack said. “If it’s a girl, she will be Sherry, like the cooking sherry.”

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