Shakira shares intimate maternity photo, hosts virtual baby shower for charity

Shakira bare baby bump with shirtless boyfriend

Shakira and her soccer star boyfriend Gerard Pique posed for the above intimate photo in promotion of an online baby shower being hosted by the couple for charity. With that pic I thinking we might want to start calling the “Hips Don’t Lie” singer Sharekira.

The 35-year-old UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador has decided to take her baby shower global as she’s opened the virtual doors in hopes of helping less fortunate children throughout the world. The site, in conjunction with UNICEF, allows visitors to purchase items such as mosquito nets and polio vaccines which will then be distributed to communities in desperate need of them.

Upon entering the shower, guests are greeted with a personal message from Shakira and Gerard:

“As you all know, we will soon be welcoming our first child into the world, and to celebrate his birth we’ve organized a virtual baby shower in association with UNICEF. In lieu of receiving gifts for our baby as with a traditional shower we would like to offer support for babies who live in conditions of extreme poverty throughout the world. ‘Thanks to all of you, they will receive in the form of inspired gifts therapeutic food packages, vaccines, and rehydration salts which will help save the lives of hundred of thousands of babies throughout the world. We’d like to thank you in advance, and we are very very happy to know that we can count on your support.”

If you want to pitch in or just check it out you can go here.

Shakira’s got a lot on her plate, in addition to working on a new album she’s also signed on to be a coach for the upcoming season of The Voice.

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