RHOC The truth about why Nicole Weiss James sued Terry Dubrow over breast implants

The first few episodes of Season 16 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills immediately kicked off with a personal drama. Shannon Beador remembers the new “friend” of the show Nicole Weiss James from 16 years ago, and she recalls a secret that makes it seem really odd that Nicole is now good friends with Heather Dubrow. It turns out Nicole sued Heather’s plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow years ago. Did Heather not know about this?

Shannon told Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter about Nicole’s lawsuit behind the scenes. It didn’t stay away from the cameras for long, however. At Heather Dubrow’s $36,000 sushi party, Gina came to Heather about the lawsuit.

The HD ice sculpture Heather Dubrow had made for the special night.

Heather’s reaction was to immediately quit the show and order everyone out, but she soon calmed down and sat down with Nicole and Terry to sort things out.

The truth is that Nicole did file a lawsuit against Terry years ago when she was in her 20s after a complication during a breast surgery. Nicole says she was pushed to do so by managers and attorneys and told Terry through tears that she didn’t think he had done anything wrong. At the time, she had dropped the lawsuit before it went very far.

Terry told her that it was fine and thanked her for dropping the suit. Things may now be okay between The Dubrows and Nicole James, but Heather was still angry at the other girls, especially her costar from past seasons Shannon Beador.

Heather shut down the party before the entrées were served. Shannon apologized to Heather, but Heather was furious.

She told Shannon through gritted teeth “What’s so disappointing to me is that I really, honestly thought that you and I had a chance to be friends! Like real friends. And I am just disappointed.”

Shannon said that she was an honest and trustworthy person, but Heather yelled “You’re not! You,” she said while aggressively pointing. “Could have given me a head’s up.”

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