PHOTOS Lindsay Lohan “working” in Brazil plus hiding under a table at a nightclub

Lindsay Lohan hidin gunder a table in a Brazil nightclub

The perpetual trainwreck festival known as LiLollapalooza continues as troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan crams in as much headline-grabbing WTFery as she can before entering a non-existent lockdown rehab facility for 90 days. Earlier this week Lindsay was on the set of Anger Management with her good pal and benefactor Charlie Sheen where she cracked jokes about community service before reportedly stealing a bunch of clothes and jewelry from the set to go clubbing in. From TMZ:

We’re told during filming … Lindsay decided she was going out clubbing one night, and took a bracelet, a necklace, earrings, pants and shoes from the wardrobe department. Yes, the stuff never came back.

Sources say Lindsay told people on the show … producers would just take the value of the items out of her salary, but we’re told that ABSOLUTELY wasn’t the deal.

The site adds that they have sources on the set that say Lindsay was a huge diva, showed up late, left early, locked herself in her trailer, and was otherwise completely 100% herself.

Here’s a photo of Lindsay on the set wearing some sort of sailor outfit and giving the thumbs up while holding some sort of Asian product — Vodka in pill form perhaps?

Lindsay Lohan Anger Management sailor suit

After the Anger Management gig, Lindsay caught a flight to Brazil to help promote the opening of a new John John clothing store in Sao Paulo, for which she is reportedly getting paid somewhere in the low six digits. Here’s Lindsay earning more than most of us make in a year doing what Lindsay does for a living — being Lindsay Lohan:

Lindsay Lohan John John store opening in Sao Paulo Brazil

But of course Lindsay’s not going anywhere — especially not a notorious party place like Brazil — and not do a little club hopping! Annnnnnd … but of course things turned ugly. At some point Lindsay reportedly got tired of people wanting to take photos with her so to avoid it she crawled under a table with the gum and the cigarette butts and posed for the photo at the top of this post, which was shared on Twitter by @orgastic_desire along with the caption:

Bafão: Lindsay Lohan ñ quis tirar foto com ninguém e ficou debaixo da mesa do DJ escondida. Tirei essa foto p/ vcs!

Which, according to the babylon online translator, means:

Bafao: Lindsay Lohan no wanted to take photo with no one and was under the table of DJ hidden. I took this photo p/ scv!

Here’s a zoomed in, slightly enhanced version:

Lindsay Lohan under a table in  Brazil

Now that’s what you call a shady under-the-table deal right there!

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