PHOTOS AUDIO Carrie Prejean’s sex tape recipient releases photos and gives an interview

Carrie Prejean’s former boyfriend – and recipient of the as-yet-unreleased adult movie classic Carrie Does Carrie – also has a collection of photographs from his time with the former Miss California, and a handful of them have made their way onto the internet. Here are a couple samples from a batch of nine pictures taken during the couple’s fun-filled weekend in San Diego back in 2007 and posted on TMZ:

Carrie Prejean partying in San Diego

See all the photos over at

In addition to the photographs, the former boyfriend (who didn’t want his identity revealed) conducted an audio interview with TMZ during which he describes his relationship with Carrie Prejean and he says Carrie sent him somewhere between 15 and 20 explicit tapes! He also claims their only time together was a four-day weekend in San Diego after a mutual friend set them up through myspace and that the videos were sent to him over the next couple years via cell phone.

In describing Carrie’s motivation for sending the video’s, her ex said, “She was basically trying to get a reaction out of me because that’s what she’s all about is the ultimate reaction and attention. She’s a good lookin’ girl.”

And perhaps most shockingly, Carrie’s ex claims she called him about a week ago and tried to convince him to say she was only 17 when she made the video recordings, which would mean they couldn’t be published. And, as the ex-boyfriend seemed well-aware, it would mean that if he had sex with her during this time he would be guilty of statutory rape. So, he wisely declined to lie.

Amazing stuff! Who says beauty pageants are antiquated?!?

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