PHOTO Teen Mom’s Tyler Baltierra gets a HUGE new tattoo on his back

Teen Mom star Tyler Baltierra's huge back tattoo Batman logo

Man oh man – when those Teen Mom cast members get tattoos they don’t play around! First we had Amber Portwood’s well-intended but rather unfortunate Leah abdomen mural and now we have Tyler with a billboard-sized Gothic bat-shaped design with his last name “BALTIERRA” spelled out on his back! (Click photo to enlarge)

Holy smokes! I’m not really a tattoo guy, so I usually judge them by how close I think they got to what the person wanted. (Amber’s, for example, probably wasn’t quite what she wanted.) Tyler’s, on the the other hand, seems well done and is probably EXACTLY what he wanted, so kudos! What do you think? Is it too much?

While you mull that over let’s flip Tyler over and check out his other famous piece of skin art on his frontside featuring the name of his and Catelynn Lowell’s daughter Carly along with her hand print and birthday:

Tyler Baltierra's chest tattoo with his daughter Carly's name hand print and birthday

UPDATE – Tyler has since gotten numerous additional battoos, including tributes to his daughters Nova and Vaeda — just click their names to check ’em out! Plus, we have a newer image of Tyler’s Batman back tattoo for you. Please note, we had to zoom, crop, flip, and distort a mirror selfie posted by Tyler to get the finished product:

Teen Mom Tyler Baltierra back Tattoo

To keep up on all things Catelynn and Tyler be sure to hop over to “Catelynn Lowell’s Official Fanpage” on Facebook which Catelynn’s mom April and her cousin Stephanie are admins on!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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