Paula Deen’s gorgeous prom photo surfaces

Diabetesbuttergate aside, Paula Deen is always a sexy lady, so it’s no surprise she was drop-dead gorgeous as a teen.

This photo surfaced of Paula (nee Hiers) in 1965 attending her senior prom in Albany, GA. She looks a lot like Elizabeth Taylor. That dude on her arm was a lucky guy. She married her first husband Jimmy Deen in 1965 after graduating (they divorced in 1989,) but we’re not sure if that’s him in the pic.

Paula Deen hot high school

Both of Paula’s parents died by the time she was 23, and she suffered from severe agoraphobia and anxiety. She didn’t want to leave her house for much of her 20s, but she used that time to focus on cooking. In 1986, her family moved to Savannah, where she set up a catering service delivering sandwiches to local businesses (her sons were often the delivery men.)

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