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MBFAGW’s Eden Boswell loses custody of kids, husband Elvis in jail again

My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding Eden Boswell Elvis Boswell

The troubles continue for former My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding stars Eden Boswell and Elvis Boswell. It’s been a little over a year since both were arrested after Eden, serving as maid of honor at her friend’s wedding, allegedly stole the bride-to-be’s purse before the ceremony. The purse’s contents? Only wedding rings and $1,000 in honeymoon cash.

Fast forward 13 months: Elvis Boswell is back behind bars, and Eden just revealed that she has lost custody of her three children.

Here’s Eden’s full post, which doesn’t indicate the exact reason that she lost custody, other than chalking it up to hearsay:


Okay so since everyone is talking about it n so concerned bout my life. Elvis went to jail, my kids got temporarily taken over hear say basically, & the state has custody of all 3 kids not my mother not Elvis mother the STATE until I walk a straight line literally. N not just till I get them back but for rest if my life.

With that bein said I have 3 babies that adore me,miss me and need me I have raised all my kids and that will not change noone will ever take that place and I no I’m not the perfect mother honestly no mother is but I tried my best to be all I could be for them and lord above knows my kids are my world

They stay back n forth with my mother n Elvis mother. My children are my motivation they all I have I will do anything to have my family back. I’m blessed I still get to see them through the week and talk to them.

I’m honest I will tell u upfront about my life I don’t hide it,or pretend things are perfect caz there not.

So prayers for my kids n myself to get us through this difficult time. Crazy goin from bein with ur kids 24/7 to just when it have visitations but I can’t complain it good to be with them the amount I get rather then none


UPDATE – After the story was posted, Eden posted an explanation of exactly what happened that led to her kids being taken away:

The truth is I left for work one night Ariel was mad told me she hated me caz I couldn’t take her n she didn’t want stay w her daddy so she made a video saying she was scared to where my seat belt comin home she was so upset told me she rly didn’t hate me she just me back home she misses me hurry home.

My mother n law turned it in told them my kids was home all alone which isn’t true there was neighbors to verify that but none them was asked they just straight kept them. I’m not perfect I am human n the one saying kids more important partying no one was partying whtever u wanna think only time I left my kids when I was at work that is it n for few months I didn’t work. I work when I needed to work lucky my husband was working where it was spring n summer I didn’t have rly work at all. So shows how much the one talkin sh!t dnt even no my life period.

I haven’t failed any drug test for them be taken so my kids was taken by hear say from my mother n law lying that they was home alone! I’ve never ever even walk to the mail boxes which wasn’t from from my townhouse at all! So u no the people that has such ignorance and all wanna do is be such a downer. I pray for people that need prayer if u dnt have anything say dnt say nothin at all.


As far as Elvis, he is currently behind bars at the Guilford County Jail in North Carolina. His offense is listed as a probation violation, and, according to online records, he is being held on $30,000 bond. Here are his most recent mug shot photos:

My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding Elvis Boswell arrest

Elvis Boswell mugshot profile face tattoos

In case you don’t remember Eden and Elvis from the show, here’s a photo of the two of them from their My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding episode. Eden is wearing her famous light blue Sondra Celli wedding gown:

My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding Eden Boswell Elvis Boswell

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